Commission Art Work
When doing Commission pieces many artists agree to provide the art piece providing the buyer allows for Artistic Licence. So what does that mean?
The freedom to create an artwork, musical work, or piece of writing based on the artist's interpretation and mainly for effect; also called poetic license.
It's a brave artist that does commission work as it is hard to understand or know what the buyer really wants. It works out better for both parties if the buyer understands the artist and has seen a lot of their work and why they create art the way they do. Some feel that artistic licence is cheating, how so?
I feel to allow an artist artistic licence is to truly own an original piece of work created from the heart.
The freedom to create an artwork, musical work, or piece of writing based on the artist's interpretation and mainly for effect; also called poetic license.
It's a brave artist that does commission work as it is hard to understand or know what the buyer really wants. It works out better for both parties if the buyer understands the artist and has seen a lot of their work and why they create art the way they do. Some feel that artistic licence is cheating, how so?
I feel to allow an artist artistic licence is to truly own an original piece of work created from the heart.